Senin, 01 April 2013

Elegi Guru Menggapai Perubahan

Elegi Guru Menggapai Perubahan 

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

Whether consciously or not, change is inevitable in everyone, as well as in above article that tells about a teacher in achieving change. Whenever and wherever we certainly changed. The true change is awareness of space, time, direction, potential and the fact that is in us, and the best change is beneficial to ourselves and others. It is important to realize that in order to make changes that will realize the meaning of these changes and know the reasons why we are making changes.
The teacher should also had been around to change, especially in terms of teaching methods, because it depends on the circumstances of students who are increasingly growing. There are several steps that should be taken if a teacher wants a change in the way of teaching. First, did the change by working together with others. Second, change systemically. Third, work with relevant parties in making a change. Fourth, plan for change. Fifth, realize that change takes time. Sixth, get to know ourselves and get to know all aspects of the job as well as a teacher. Seventh, always meditate on the nature of the changes in yourself and discover the meaning behind of any changes. Eighth, set hearts as commander on any changes. In addition, the way that can be taken for innovative teaching and learning, the study lesson study and implement the aspect in context. Action Research Study classes, models and learning strategies, and then implemented the aspect in context.
So we can conclude learning classroom is a laboratory for the students, so nothing change and innovation can be done without prior understandings.

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