Rabu, 24 April 2013

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 24: Menggapai Doa dan Ikhtiar

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 24: Menggapai Doa dan Ikhtiar

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini
       Someone must have goals to be achieved. In essence, the ideals will be achieved in two ways that are synergy, that prayer and effort. People who only pray without effort called the fatal and people who do not believe in prayer called the vital.
Any small our effort is directly proportional to the results we get. Of course not only effort, but accompanied with earnest prayer to God. God will hear the prayers of the servants who strive and pray with a sincere and earnest. If we fail, does not mean we are not successful at that time. Maybe God has a better plan than what we want.

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