Jumat, 19 April 2013

Elegi Mengubah Mitos menjadi Logos

Elegi Mengubah Mitos menjadi Logos 

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

To transform the myth into logos, one way is to eliminate ego and determinist could potentially be the vehicle and food of Satan. Only the logos were able to turn a disaster into mercy, but if we are not able to shed the ego, it will bring arrogance. Arrogant is the first and heaviest sin. Arrogance is an act of the most hated by Allah SWT. Arrogance will erase all the good deeds we have done for a living in the world. Only help, mercy, and guidance from God who is able to eliminate the arrogance of every servant, and make our conscience as a commander in the past every problems.

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