Jumat, 31 Mei 2013

Elegi Menggapai Hati Kesatu

Elegi Menggapai Hati kesatu

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari

Everything in the world is Therik. Without realizing it, when we have felt comfortable with what we have achieved and we are not able to determine or decide everything is a situation where we run into a contradiction. We should always be able to keep our hearts from what can soil it, as egotistical or arrogance. We will not be able to know the contents of our hearts as a whole. With prayer and worship to God can make us become introspective person and be able to control our hearts.

Elegi Menangkap Anomali

Elegi Menangkap Anomali

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari

Life is like excursions an uphill road, the more to the top will be more complicated to pursue. In life surely  found something a deviate unusual. As happened in our country at this time, a lot of people who want to build but in reality he was destructive, law enforcement but in reality broke the law, eradication of corruption but in reality he was corruption, etc. Reality of life can not be determined with certainty. It is time we introspect ourselves with what is happening right now, too many anomalies are found all around us that cause damage to others.

Elegi Memahami Elegi

Elegi Memahami Elegi

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari

After I read the article above, now I know what the meaning of elegy. I think reading elegy is not easy as reading a novel. Elegy in philosophizing is an expression of the heart, poetry, and many more meanings contained therein. Elegy not only words but also includes the type of speech act. As human beings we certainly ever thought what we got after studying philosophy with-elegy elegy that sometimes makes us confused to understand its meaning. Basically the study of philosophy is a reflection of our own lives. By studying philosophy we are able to think critically, to think rationally, etc. Studied philosophy should be studied as a whole, because if not, it could be someone would use the philosophy not in accordance with space and time and it will not be useful.

Elegi Menyesali Rumahku yang Terlalu Besar

Elegi Menyesali Rumahku yang Terlalu Besar

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari

Indonesia like a our big house, that's where we do daily activities. As the occupants of the house, we are obliged to establish, maintain and care for it. Undeniably a lot of people in contemporary times who fall asleep with sparkling entertainment in this big house so ruled even forgetting the part of the house relating to spiritual, such as places of worship. Though the place of worship is a sacred place where we interact with God. So let us not forget our primary purpose on this earth was created, which is to worship God.

Elegi Silaturahim Matemattika

Elegi Silaturahim Matemattika

By Prf. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari

From the article above I know that mathematics is very broad and complex. I can say mathematics is beautiful because mathematics can be applied in all aspects of life according to its properties. I am interested in the mathematical statement of 8 and 10 who stated, "I am the mathematics. I am of the synthetic apriori. I was in intuition. Your intuition are space and time. Your decision is the highest myself. Intuition is my methods. I'm more interested in building than just a given.”  This is means that intuition is very important to everyone, because with intuition, we are able to think, able to make decisions, and be able to build an independent mindset.