Senin, 11 Maret 2013

Lesson Study dan Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus Belajar Matematika

Lesson Study dan Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus Belajar Matematika

Reflected by
Diah Hapsari Widyarini
Mathematics Education 2012

After read the article above, I really appreciate for the implementation of workshops and symposium. I think Lesson Study is very useful for improving the quality of learning. Lesson Study is closely related to mathematics learning and Penjas Adapted for the students with special needs. In this case, Lesson Study has many benefits, e.g. to enhance the professionalism of teachers, improving the quality of education, serving the needs of students, especially for the students with special needs.
The learning process for the students with special needs is different from the normal treatment of the students in general. The teacher who teach the students with special needs must have a teaching method that is simple, useful, and enjoyable for them. The students with special needs have a high level of emotional, but they still get the same rights as other students, they are entitled to the same education. All that has been stated in the legislation.
I hope future methods of education, especially for the students with special needs over again developed an innovative and fun.

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