Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

Peran Intuisi Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika

Peran Intuisi Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika 

By Prof. Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

Intuition is an important thing in every human life. People who lose their intuition will cause many problems in their life, some examples of problems in Indonesia are caused by loss of intuition as corruption, injustice, conflict between students, etc. Similarly in learning mathematics. Intuition has a very important role in the process of learning mathematics. Especially for the students, intuition becomes the key to understanding and reconstructing mathematics. Intuition can be assessed in two scopes, namely ontology concerning the position of objects, concepts and structures of mathematics, while the role of epistemology is concerning sources knowledge of mathematics, mathematical methods, and decision making.

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