Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

To Develop Lesson Plan for Secondary Mathematics Teaching (Mengembangkan RPP Untuk PBM Matematika di SMP)

To Develop Lesson Plan for Secondary Mathematics Teaching (Mengembangkan RPP Untuk PBM Matematika di SMP) 

By Prof. Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

Before the learning process begins, it is important for us to pay attention to the preparation of learning. Generally, the preparation of learning can be divided into two, they are general preparation and specific preparation. General preparation include Theory of Education and Innovative Learning Mathematics and its implementation, while special preparation includes preparation associated with the preparation of mathematics learning in the class. Special preparation starts from analyzing the curriculum includes discussed about learning strategies and ultimately produce the Lesson Plan. Every teacher should have a learning structure in order to purpose has been planned is achieve. Purpose of the special preparation and general preparation as a step to change the paradigm of learning that has to be teacher-centered become student-centered learning.

There are many things that can be done by teachers to create a learning environment that is conducive and effective. Such the teacher create a worksheet. Worksheet not only as collection of questions but also as sources of information, theories or guided discovery that requires the students to think critically and learn independently. The success of the mathematics learning is determined by how much the ability of the teachers to develop learning materials that are taught. The best teaching materials are materials that are made by the the teachers themselves, because of the conditions, motivations, and interests of the students different from one class to another class.

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