Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

The Nature of Teaching Learning Resources

The Nature of Teaching Learning Resources

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

According to John Munchak, learning activities can invite participation and make the students become excited when the teacher is able to know the state of their students whether their motivation, attitude, ability, or background. Every student is unique, every student has a different meaning in terms of the nature, the talent, the will, the motivation, and it can not provide comparable into one. It is important for teachers to understand the characteristics of each of their students in order to create a conducive learning environment (teacher will be able to position itself among the students), teachers are also able to determine the learning strategies appropriate to the situation and condition of their students, and teachers will appreciate the diversity in the classroom. Ernest argues that due to the learning should be active, varied, socially engaged and self-regulating. There are three components play presented by Ernest, namely
- the provision of a wide variety of practical resources to facilitate the varied and active teaching approaches,
- the provision of authentic material, such as newspaper, official statistics, and so on for socially relevant and socially engaged study and investigation,
- the facilitation of student self-regulated control and access to learning resources.

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