Jumat, 31 Mei 2013

Glossary of Kant's Technical Terms_By Palmquist

Glossary of Kant's Technical Terms_By Palmquist

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

Thank you, Sir. Glossary of Kant's Technical Terms_By Palmquist is very useful, not only for those who are or would like to learn philosophy but also for people who want to improve English vocabulary or develop their skills in English, especially the vocabulary related to philosophy. English is our life, a person’s ability to speak English will increase depending on how much willingness to recognize and understand the terms in English. In studying, we should first know the meaning of the terms that we do not know so that we better understand what the intent and purpose of that science, and what we learned it would be more beneficial.

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