Senin, 17 Juni 2013

Elegi Menggapai Nilai Diri

Elegi Menggapai Nilai Diri

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari

There are two important points that I can understand after reading this article. First, the success of a person / group will establish or strengthen himself / his group to be "subject to" a strong sense of "object". If the power is not matched with the binding regulations it will create disharmony various forms of life on earth or even disastrous. Second, to make ourselves a philosophy, of course we must a lot to read elegies, because a lot of reading elegy we will have a lot of experience. In studying, we should realize that as low-down on studying if their knowledge is only used by themselves, while the high-demand on studying if their knowledge is beneficial to many people and is not limited by space and time.

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