Selasa, 18 Juni 2013

Elegi Menggapai Matematika Yang Tidak TUNGGAL

Elegi Menggapai Matematika Yang Tidak TUNGGAL

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari

Through the article above I know that the nature of mathematics is not singular and cannot be combined. In contemporary times, at least always there are two opinions about the nature of mathematics, namely Platonism in college and the Aristotelian in the school. From the past until now, Platonism has dominated the world, including Indonesia about the nature of mathematics, so causing problems at the school level. It can be seen in the implementation of the national exam is used as a determinant of graduation. I think the implementation of the national exam as a determinant of graduation just makes the burden to learners not as a means to develop the mindset of the students.

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