Minggu, 16 Juni 2013

Elegi Mengeledhek Kaum Tribal Dengan Sebotol Sofdrink Kosong

Elegi Mengeledhek Kaum Tribal Dengan Sebotol Sofdrink Kosong

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari

After read the article above I can said that the Elegy describes how situation of our nation currently. The first time the effects of globalization in Indonesia (such as technology), we will be amazed with sophistication. It could be a tactic of the superpower to dominate Indonesia in particular by sending equipment that we think is so advanced. Do we realize now that we are being colonized by the superpowers in terms of ideology? Without realizing it we are too complacent with the existing reality until exclude spiritual values. So that causing problems in various fields, both in the communities to environmental governance.

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