Sabtu, 27 April 2013

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 29: Tasyakuran Ke Dua (Proyek Syurga)

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 29: Tasyakuran Ke Dua (Proyek Syurga)

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

     Everyone would want heaven as the ultimate goal in life. No one in this world is perfect as perfection only have God. While there is still time and opportunity, correct ourselves and increase our faith and devotion to God, all His commands and run away from all prohibitions. In this article described some of the things that should be done with sincerity that we are able to reach the paradise of God, amen.
  • Not opening disgrace others
  • Always start the conversation with greetings
  • Always learn and ask questions about anything that is not known
  • Do of amar ma'ruf nahi munkar
  • Do not be angry except because of Allah
  • Do not waste time for something useful
  • Do prayer night
  • Being exemplary in morals is commendable everywhere
  • Attend assemblies of dzikir and assemblies of husainiayah
  • Maintaining a view of what is forbidden by Allah
  • Has jealously on religion and his wife
  • For women, wearing hijab is perfect, do not show genitals and dressed up for anyone except her husband.

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 28: Tasyakuran Ke Satu (Proyek Surga)

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 28: Tasyakuran Ke Satu (Proyek Surga)

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

Everyone would want paradise as the last place of life. Of course it must accompanied our efforts to reach God's paradise. this article describe about the project or program Inhabiting Heaven, namely:
  • Maintaining prayer time
  • Attend the prayer in congregation
  • Doing Tasbih especially after prayer
  • Always read Shalawat to Muhammad and his family
  • Always begged forgiveness (istighfar)
  • always remembrance of God
  • Doing sunnah prayer
  • Connecting a relationship especially with parents
  • Repent of sin
  • Associating well between husband-wife
If we are able to run everything with  full sincerity merely expect Allah's pleasure, by the permission of Allah we are able to achieve extraordinary  pleasure of it.

Jumat, 26 April 2013

Elegi Ritual ikhlas 27: Silaturakhim Para Ikhlas

Elegi Ritual ikhlas 27: Silaturakhim Para Ikhlas 

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

Allah created everything in this earth certain has meaning, purpose, and benefit. God loves all the creatures. God always gives mercy to all the creatures any form and of the slightest, including things that are not aware creatures. Actually true mercy to people who are sincere and critical thinking that are always able to build a life and the world from any and all times. Sincere in the hearts must be grown from now without the need to wait for the end of life. Life is a choice, would want to carry around destiny our future is determined by ourselves and our sincerity. If we get together and gathering of sincerity, then goodness is also intended to everything. We should introspect to what happens in the nation today. Lot for mercy to God for all the sins that we have done and back to sincerity of ourselves and sincerity together.

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 26: Perlombaan Menjunjung Langit

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 26: Perlombaan Menjunjung Langit 

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari widyarini

      After read the article above reminds us that no one in this world who able getting of best of science, we can only try to reach it because the science only belongs God. Someone knowledgeable said arrogant when he felt that he had getting of best of science. Just people who have clean heart, be sincerity and critical thinking that managed to obtain knowledge. We will easily reach science if based with an attitude of sincerity, honesty, humility, hard work, prayers that we say, and the willingness to keep silaturrahim with teachers that have facilitated us in reaching science.
If someone trying to reach the world and the Hereafter without reaching for God's pleasure that he will be threatened death (failure). This means we must be sincerity in their studies just to reach Allah's pleasure without any frills.

Kamis, 25 April 2013

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 25: Menggapai Diri

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 25: Menggapai Diri 

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

The article above is interesting. If we want to look the world then look at ourselves into our minds. The world is a reflection of what we think. Let us not act arrogant in life, because arrogance is the first and greatest sin before God. We should realize what we want to brag about in this life, we are just being weak and helpless before God and place of wrong and forget, there is no force that we should brag before God. Arrogance will also burn of all the good we have done.

Rabu, 24 April 2013

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 24: Menggapai Doa dan Ikhtiar

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 24: Menggapai Doa dan Ikhtiar

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini
       Someone must have goals to be achieved. In essence, the ideals will be achieved in two ways that are synergy, that prayer and effort. People who only pray without effort called the fatal and people who do not believe in prayer called the vital.
Any small our effort is directly proportional to the results we get. Of course not only effort, but accompanied with earnest prayer to God. God will hear the prayers of the servants who strive and pray with a sincere and earnest. If we fail, does not mean we are not successful at that time. Maybe God has a better plan than what we want.

Selasa, 23 April 2013

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 23: Menggapai Cinta Ilahi

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 23: Menggapai Cinta Ilahi

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

God loves all the creatures. One proof that God loves the creatures is God has given extraordinary pleasure matchless of which are free. Imagine if we inhale oxygen it must pay to God, we may not be able to afford it. Anything weighing sins we have committed, InsyaAllah Allah will accept our repentance. God always loves the creatures although we often neglect the commandments. Love of God to the creatures includes everything that exists and may exist. Love God because Allah is the Supreme Being, the Supreme everything. We have not said as believer if we have not love Allah and The Messenger above all. We love the parents, siblings, family, friends after we love Allah and The Messenger.

Senin, 22 April 2013

Elegi Seorang Hamba Menggapai Ruang dan Waktu

Elegi Seorang Hamba Menggapai Ruang dan Waktu

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

After read the article above, I realized that in life on this earth, it is very important for us to understand and be aware of space and time. We must be sensitive to what is, what is happening and what is going to happen around us.
Actually true great disaster in the world is if people are not aware of space and time. Do not know space because he would not know to whom to talk, what was said, to whom the claim. Not know the time because it does not matter when talking, when to act and how it should act.
It is inappropriate for us to act arrogant, because essentially we are destined to helping others.

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 18: Menggapai Hati Yang Jernih

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 18: Menggapai Hati Yang Jernih

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

 I think a pure heart is a heart that sincerely, everything we do just expect the pleasure of Allah SWT. With a sincere heart, we will be easy to understand everything. The heart is the commander of all limbs. We can do this can do it because the heart wishes. For that, we should be able to keep our hearts from anything that can make our hearts become dirty. In this case, dirty heart is any thought, word, or deed that makes Satan as its elements. I agree with the opinion of Mr. Marsigit who said we should always cleanse our hearts are dirty, the heart is tempted by Satan to the mercy petition, the petition's pleasure, and the protection of Allah SWT.