Minggu, 31 Maret 2013

Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 3: Budaya Matematika Menghasilkan Mathematical Intuition

Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 3: Budaya Matematika Menghasilkan Mathematical Intuition 

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

According to Thompson, mathematical intuition is subject to cultural forces. I agree that mathematical intuition is very important to generate mathematical ideas. I think mathematical intuition evolved itself in the person of every child gained through experience. For that, it needs the intervention of the various parties (such as teachers, school society (parents), etc) so that their intuition is evolving. Indeed, someone will not develop if there is no desire in himself/herself, as well as children, the teachers or parents just as a motivator and facilitator (not curb freedom of children). Either directly or indirectly our lives can’t be separated from mathematics. whether at school, at home or in the community. So it is a joint responsibility of the various parties to develop mathematics in every child.

Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013

Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 2: Intuisi dalam Matematika (2)

Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 2: Intuisi dalam Matematika (2) 

By Prof. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

I agree with article above. For the students, mathematical experience built on accumulated mathematics skills that are supported by knowledge or understanding of mathematics (mathematical content). Everything that can’t be achieved if it is not supported by mathematical attitude and method, supporting  attitude, and internal motivation (pleasure and fun mathematics).

I think implementation of the National Exam as a determinant of graduation students will only add to the burden for the teachers and the students. They feel pressured by that National Examination. Ultimately different ways did by the teachers in order to the students can graduate, for example by use of practical formulas. Whether the students understand the essence of the material or not. It causes the student become poor of mathematical intuition. It is quite irrelevant to the purpose of education. Learning in the classroom, especially mathematics learning, the most important is the process not the result. Therefore intuition is very important in the development mindset of the children (the students), especially in mathematics learning. But in this case we can’t blame the teacher entirely. Necessary reconsideration of the education system in Indonesia. The children (the students) should be future generation become victims, they loss of intuition. This is caused the policies that were not appropriate (not take sides the development of intuition the children).

Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 1: Intuisi dalam Matematika

Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 1: Intuisi dalam Matematika 

By Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

Intuition plays an important role in mathematics learning, especially for the children (the students). In article above, we know the nature and role of intuition in mathematics according to Thompson. He think that the role of intuition in mathematics should recognize it as a versatility in measuring up new situations, or even conjecturing them, using a rich repository of recurrent and strategically-important schema or conceptual structures, painstakingly abstracted from sensory experience by the intellect, constrained by the languages available to us at the time, and influenced by the accumulated resources of our cultural and scientific heritage.

So we can said everyone have intuition. Their intuition different from another, because they are thinking differently or their perspective is different, as well as the learning of mathematics, each students has a different intuition. But nowadays many students are still difficulties to understand mathematics because they lost intuition. I think the cause is they are not given the freedom for creativity in understanding mathematics in accordance with his/her own.

Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

Mathematics and Language 7

Mathematics and Language 7

Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

I think communication is very important in our lives, especially in the learning process. In this case, the students and the teacher as the main actors. As the teacher or the older they must be able create a innovative model in order to communication between them and the students or the younger learner going well. The teacher should not create a model that can eliminate intuition and can be a trap of communication of the students or the younger learner. The good model is a model that does not make the students (younger learner) who just follow the adults without any considerations.

Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 9: School Mathematics

Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 9: School Mathematics 

By Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

Ebbut and Straket (1995) defined School Mathematics or known by The Nature of School Mathematics. There are four points, they are:
•    Mathematics is a search for patterns a  relationship.
•    Mathematics is a problem solving activity..
•    Mathematics an investigation activity.
•    Mathematics the means of communication

The nature of school mathematics belong to elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school. From the four the nature of school mathematics will create innovative learning in the learning process of the students to dominate or called student-centered. This way will develop students' creative ideas to solve problems and do not depend on the method that has been given by the teacher. The students are eligible to use a variety of methods that s/he found, the teacher just as a facilitator. In an innovative learning, less appropriate when the teachers feel that s/he is the most intelligent person in the class, because nowadays condition of the students are unpredictable, especially with more advanced Information and Technology.

Mathematics and Language 13

Mathematics and Language 13 

Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

Without us knowing, many the younger learner maybe included us know something because heard before from other people. So sometimes we know something it but we are not able to explain the definition. So I think the best way for the younger learner learning mathematics using basic concept of mathematics, in this case mathematics concrete. This matter will make them more understood as directly related to their daily lives. The older should not effort them and give them the freedom for creativity. I agree with Mr. Marsigit who said that mathematics for the young learner is not about Body of Truth, Science of Truth or Structure of Truth, rather they are searching the pattern, relationship; solving the problems, investigating activities and doing communications.

Jumat, 22 Maret 2013

Mathematics and Language 6

Mathematics and Language 6 

By Prof. Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

I agree with Mr. Marsigit who said that all mathematics concepts are kinds of models. There are two important sides of the model, they are subject and object. I think a good model is a communicative model for the younger. In teaching learning of mathematics, the teacher should be able to find simple model for the students. Should be underlined that the teacher should not to do the hegemony to the students. I disagree when the teacher or older people more dominating than the students or the younger, especially in learning mathematics.

Mathematics and Language 5

Mathematics and Language 5 

By Prof. Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

 I think mathematics education and pure mathematics is different, but both are interrelated and can’t be separated. Pure mathematics is the basis for mathematics education and mathematics education is how to introduce mathematics to the students. In mathematics education, teachers must be innovative to changes and development of students in accordance with the latest trends. I think the teachers not only facilitate the students but also introduces material that will be studied. If this is associated with pure mathematics, it will only endangering the students, and the students certainly will not like mathematics because they think mathematics is so difficult and confusing.

Peran Penelitian dalam Pengembangan Pendidikan Matematika

Peran Penelitian dalam Pengembangan Pendidikan Matematika

By Prof. Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

I agree with this article. I think research plays an important role in the development of mathematics education, because by doing research, teachers or prospective teachers will understand how the conditions of his/her students. In addition to conducting research will also add insight and experience of the teachers so as to create an innovative mathematics learning in accordance with the latest trends. So either directly or indirectly the research have an important on the development to better education and to increase the professionalism of the teachers in the field of mathematics education.

Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

To Develop Lesson Plan for Secondary Mathematics Teaching (Mengembangkan RPP Untuk PBM Matematika di SMP)

To Develop Lesson Plan for Secondary Mathematics Teaching (Mengembangkan RPP Untuk PBM Matematika di SMP) 

By Prof. Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

Before the learning process begins, it is important for us to pay attention to the preparation of learning. Generally, the preparation of learning can be divided into two, they are general preparation and specific preparation. General preparation include Theory of Education and Innovative Learning Mathematics and its implementation, while special preparation includes preparation associated with the preparation of mathematics learning in the class. Special preparation starts from analyzing the curriculum includes discussed about learning strategies and ultimately produce the Lesson Plan. Every teacher should have a learning structure in order to purpose has been planned is achieve. Purpose of the special preparation and general preparation as a step to change the paradigm of learning that has to be teacher-centered become student-centered learning.

There are many things that can be done by teachers to create a learning environment that is conducive and effective. Such the teacher create a worksheet. Worksheet not only as collection of questions but also as sources of information, theories or guided discovery that requires the students to think critically and learn independently. The success of the mathematics learning is determined by how much the ability of the teachers to develop learning materials that are taught. The best teaching materials are materials that are made by the the teachers themselves, because of the conditions, motivations, and interests of the students different from one class to another class.

Peran Intuisi Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika

Peran Intuisi Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika 

By Prof. Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

Intuition is an important thing in every human life. People who lose their intuition will cause many problems in their life, some examples of problems in Indonesia are caused by loss of intuition as corruption, injustice, conflict between students, etc. Similarly in learning mathematics. Intuition has a very important role in the process of learning mathematics. Especially for the students, intuition becomes the key to understanding and reconstructing mathematics. Intuition can be assessed in two scopes, namely ontology concerning the position of objects, concepts and structures of mathematics, while the role of epistemology is concerning sources knowledge of mathematics, mathematical methods, and decision making.

Rabu, 20 Maret 2013

Interview with Dr. Marsigit MA [marsigit] in Whohub

Interview with Dr. Marsigit MA [marsigit] in Whohub 

By Mr. Marsigit

Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini
This interview really inspired me, especially about the importance of education in the life of everyone. We will never be satisfied with the knowledge that we have, it should be our motivation to continue to seek knowledge tirelessly. Additionally, many lessons can I took after reading this interview, like his opinion to begin to creative, always be ourself, his ways to manage himself, etc. I became aware that the teachers do not only come from someone who taught us anything, but also from experiences and events, either in ourselves or that occur in the environment around us.

 I agree with Mr. Marsigit who said our mind is as our life, without it we can’t live. It is not in the case of taking care of mind, but making it always lives. I like his statement who said his writing and talking can’t express all my thinking, his mind can’t think all his feeling, spiritual is a kind of feeling, but his feeling can’t fully represent his spiritual. 

If we will our life meaningful and helpful to others, we should be consistent, tolerance, aware, sociable, and responsible.

Mathematics and Language 8

Mathematics and Language 8

By: Mr. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini

The conversation above discussed about one of the problems of communication in mathematics horizontal. We all know mathematics in school is communication. So I think in the learning process, the teacher should give the students freedom to develop, understanding, and represent mathematics in accordance with their language. It is done so that the relevant mathematics and language is relevant. I think horizontal mathematics is basis for vertical mathematics. So, we can’t use mathematical models that are too high level for the youngers. I agree with Mr. Marsigit who said that we need to approach our younger generation with mathematics of their world.

Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

Update: Koalisi Pendidikan Menolak Kurikulum 2013

Tolak Perubahan Kurikulum Pendidikan

Petisi oleh  
Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia  
Reflected by: Diah Hapsari Widyarini
I think implementation of the curriculum 2013 too quickly applied if done in the academic year 2013/2014. Especially if it is not preceded by research and evaluation of curriculum previous. I fear that curriculum 2013 is more aligned and benefit certain parties. The main character in the world of education are the students, do not occur change the curriculum that has not been appropriate to make the students become victims. Plans to implement a curriculum 2013 should delayed until really mature, so it will be able to increase the level of education in Indonesia. I'd agree if the government's first focus on the lack of implementation of the teacher training that influence either directly or indirectly to the educational process. Useless implementation of curriculum 2013 if the teachers are not equipped with adequate skills. 

Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

sebuah catatan kecil: Problematika Pembelajaran Matematika di SD

sebuah catatan kecil: Problematika Pembelajaran Matematika di SD

Problematika Pembelajaran Matematika di SD

Problematika Pembelajaran Matematika di SD 
Oleh. Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Reflected by:
Diah Hapsari Widyarini

Assumption that mathematics is a frightening specter especially for elementary students is a common thing we listened. There are many factors that affect it, especially from the teachers and the students themselves. Presumption like that started the teacher teaching mathematics emphtically, rigid, and the students are forced to have to understand no matter their condition. While from the student depending on how much interest each student to learn mathematics.

It is inevitable that students achievement in mathematics is still relatively low compared to other lessons. This case opened my mind as prospective teacher of mathematics to create a method that makes the students become enthusiastic to learn mathematics. But not using tricks and practical formulas that I think it does not teach the students and make them become aware of the essence of the material being taught. Moreover, the students also can’t develop their creativity as fixated with the practical formulas. Maybe use the tricks that can be used as an exam or test with multiple choice , but not for regular learning in the classroom.

Senin, 11 Maret 2013

Reflection 3

March, 4th 2013, in english lesson, Mr. Marsigit discussed about Seminar of Mathematics Education held in march, 2th 2013. He said that Prof. Widodo (speaker in the seminar) explained about definiton of mathematics for the gods which its form we cann’t look them. E.g. Newton, Euclid, Pascal, etc. On the other hand, Mr. Marsigit more concerned with people who are learning mathematics in the valley who feel how difficult hiking to mountain. So, that valley be everywhere present. Everywhere and everywhen we can find them. Basically, there are two categories of mathematics, first is formal mathematics (axioma mathematics and pure mathematics), and second is school mathematics. He said that school mathematics like as “pick up the ball”, helping the students who are learning mathematics. So, that mathematics must be able to adaptation. The most intelligent people is people who capable adapation appropriate for situation and condition. If we faced with the elementary school students and learning mathematics use university level, so we conclude we are the goofiest.

Reflection 2

Problem of Mathematics Teaching

February 25th 2013, in English Lesson, Mr. Marsigit explained about the problem of mathematics teaching, mainly of  the teachers  mathematics teaching. Almost all teachers in Indonesia are still using method that made the teacher as centered and the student just listened. So in his perception in his result of the teacher based on the theory philosophy of lesson. That’s method of teaching reflect traditional method of teaching. In outline, there are two problem of mathematics teaching in Indonesia. First is using traditional method and second is innovative method.
In traditional method,  we can identify characteristic of the students behavior and the teacher behavior action.  There are indicating about characteristic of  this situation of learning mathematics in the class. The student learn mathematics passively,  sleepy, boring, etc.

There are many a lot of number of characteristics emerge in this method. The teacher didn’t believe with their students, so that they use transfer knowledge. the teacher  still to has an obigation to deliver method to deliver knowledge to his/her student and they perceived their students like as empty vessel.
Anywhere, anywhen, and anytime this is the principle. We always find problems associated with this matter.

Reflection 1

In february 18th 2013:11.00 a.m., my class (Mathematics Education 2012) got the lesson from my English lecturer, Mr. Marsigit. Before started the course, he explained about the five key to succes. They are will, attitude, knowledge, skill, and experience. He wished to remember us that last week, he wished to make us understood that in this lesson. We need to mix to word his position and our position, he perceived that we are adult students. So, his communication with us based on trust. We believed that he is able to facilitate us and he believed we would do the coursework . 
Trust and positive thinking belong to will (key to succes). His position didn’t give us knowledge. He would emphasize to us for finding the information ourself, because meeting once a week will not be enough if we do not effort. Learn english are us, the attitude are us, knowledge are us, and the experience are us. So he conclude that english are us. He said that we are the actors of our study, activity, skill, and experience.

Pembelajaran Matematika Seperti Apa yang Kita Harapkan di SD?

Pembelajaran Matematika Seperti Apa yang Kita Harapkan di SD? 

Oleh Mr. Marsigit
Reflected by Diah Hapsari Widyarini
Mathematics Education 2012

Everywhere and everywhen we certain find the problem on occasion of mathematics. But why mathematics like a scary ghost especially for the elementary school students? Many students don’t like mathematics lesson for various reasons. This can be overcome by learning method of the teacher innovative and fun. Mathematics be concerned with daily activities, so applicable closed to children (the students) and applicable in a society. Lesson of mathematics must give a break the students directed towards reinvent his/her mathematics with various means. The teacher cann’t forced the students to find mathematics according to his/her concept, I think if there are teachers like that, s/he is so egoist without care the freedom of his/her students. In lesson mathematics, the teacher must have the systematic method and strategy in a process learning.

Before the teacher enters the classroom, s/he must to prepare materials that will be taught, really understand the lesson, thinking strategies that students used to really understand the material presented. Then, the teacher introduces the learning strategies associated with the daily life. The students try their creativity with a variety of strategies that have been given and in accordance with the experience. In this case, the teacher just facilitate the students. At the end of the lesson, the teacher gives conclusions on the subject matter discussed, and I think it's very giving homework helps students to better understand the material being taught and make them become more trained and skilled.

Mathematics and Language 2

Reflected by
Diah Hapsari Widyarini
Mathematics Education 2012

I agree with you, Sir. From the term "beautiful proofs and demonstrations". I think that was very subjective when there is the teacher who said beautiful proofs with his/her students. May be the students don’t think like that. In present, we must change learning method. I think no longer appropriate when learning mathematics just showing the formulas and the students just to look, it’s so confusing to understand and make the students feel boring. The teacher should not be forced and pressed their students. The teacher should have to give his/her students the freedom to learn in their own way. That way makes them know more about the real mathematics, then the students can learn happily and they can say that mathematics is beautiful.

Lesson Study dan Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus Belajar Matematika

Lesson Study dan Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus Belajar Matematika

Reflected by
Diah Hapsari Widyarini
Mathematics Education 2012

After read the article above, I really appreciate for the implementation of workshops and symposium. I think Lesson Study is very useful for improving the quality of learning. Lesson Study is closely related to mathematics learning and Penjas Adapted for the students with special needs. In this case, Lesson Study has many benefits, e.g. to enhance the professionalism of teachers, improving the quality of education, serving the needs of students, especially for the students with special needs.
The learning process for the students with special needs is different from the normal treatment of the students in general. The teacher who teach the students with special needs must have a teaching method that is simple, useful, and enjoyable for them. The students with special needs have a high level of emotional, but they still get the same rights as other students, they are entitled to the same education. All that has been stated in the legislation.
I hope future methods of education, especially for the students with special needs over again developed an innovative and fun.